Executive Committee 2017/18




During the past days the Saint Lawrence Band Club held its General Meetings in order to elect the Executive Committee for the years 2017/18. The Committee was formed as listed hereunder:-

Patron L-Emminenza Tiegħu Kardinal Prospero Grech OSA
Honorary President L-Eċċ. Tiegħu Dott Ugo Mifsud Bonnici
L-Eċċ. Tiegħu Fra John Edward Critien
Mr. Joseph Scicluna
Mr. Tony Cassar
Mr. Lorenzo Zahra
Mr. Conrad Baldacchino
Honorary Members Mr. Ivan Scicluna
Mr. Ed Schoebben
Mr. Geert Sciot
Honorary Chaplains Mons. Lawrenz Mifsud
Mons. Paul Raggio
Chaplain Rev. Can. Archpriest Joe Mizzi
President Mr.Lawrence V. Farrugia
Viċe President Mr.Noel Gauci
Secretary Mr.Simon Farrugia
Cashier Mr.Adrian Saliba
Assistant Secretary Mr.Eugenio Pellicano
Assistant Cashier Mr.Carmelo Scicluna
Band Delegate Mr.Paul Bongailas
Archivist Mr.Christopher Pisani
Band Representative Mr.John Pisani
Member Representative Mr.John Attard
Mr.Oscar Adami
Mr.Lawrence Farrugia
Curator Mr.Adrian Saliba
Asst. Curator Mr.Carmelo Scicluna
Band Club Association Mr.Simon Farrugia
Representative Mr.Paul Bongailas
Sports Director Mr.Lawrence Gonzi
Band Director Mro. Jonathan Abela A.Mus.LCM
Assistant Director Mro. Francois Borg
Music Teacher Mro. Andrew Zarb
Band Consultant Mr.Bjorn Callus
Auditors Mr.John Raggio
Mr.Lawrence Zahra