Nhar is-Sibt 21 ta’Ġunju, 2014 ser jiġi organizzat BBQ fis-Santana Hotel, Buġibba. Matul is-serata ser ikun hemm divertiment kif ukoll wieħed jista jagħmel uzu mill-Pool. Għal dawk dilettanti tal-football jistgħu jsegwu l-logħob li jkun għaddej mit-Tazza tad-Dinja fuq Big Screen.
Selection of Antipasti, crispy salads, cold cuts served with different dressings and sauces
Rigatoni tossed in a rich beef ragout and finished with a pecorino crust
Baked Lasagna
Duo of sausages served with a homemade sweet and sour sauce
Grilled rib eye in garlic oil, fresh thyme and red wine
Pork and pepper kebabs marinated with French mustard, orange zest and sage
Barbeque grilled chicken breast infused in a garlic mushroom sauce
Jacket potato / Roasted vegetable
Ice Cream, Fruit Flans & Fruit Salad
Free Glass of wine or lemonade
Prezz: €23 inkluz it-trasport
Biex tirreserva post jew għal aktar dettalji għamel kuntatt mal-Kaxxier Oscar Adami jew Eugenio Pellicano